Sunday, February 12, 2017

Happy Hand Washing

Flu season is still here!
For the past few days my home has been a Pandora's box of terrible coughs, runny noses, stomach cramps, muscle aches and general misery. Of course the cure to the flu is simply to let it run it's course, hence the best way to get a handle on it is to prevent it.
We all fall ill at some point in time, but many sick days can be avoided if we practice good hygiene.  My wonderful sons do not always wash their hands when they should. While looking for tools to help me reinforce proper hand washing downcast statistics such as 66% of Americans do not wash their hands after using the toilet stood out.1 Additionally 32% of people wash their hands after sneezing or coughing, only 21% wash after counting money and 43% wash after petting a cat or dog.2
Washing our hands is an important part of maintaining personal health while promoting a healthy society. My husband and I made a quick visual guide to washing our hands, using Beltré Products Moisture Clean Hand Soap for our sons.
We use a generous amount of soap
We spread the soap on our hands.
It is important to wash our hand with soap and water for 20 seconds.

Some say sing the "Happy Birthday" song twice while washing.
We should use a clean towel to dry our hands.
To keep our hands clean, we close the faucet using the towel.

 Happy hand washing!
1. Goldberg, Eleanor. "Here`s How Many People Actually Wash Their Hands After Using the Bathroom" HuffPost online 10/15/15.
2. Carey, Bjorn "American`s Dirty Little Secret Revealed." Live Science online. 9/21/05.

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