Tuesday, February 7, 2017

BELTRE Weight Loss Products

Recently several inquiries have come in regarding natural weight loss products and nutritional supplements. BELTRE Products are personal  skin care products made with naturally occurring edible ingredients. Our products are for external use.

But while we are on the subject of weight loss and supplements.... Here are 3 reasons why we do not promote the use such things.

1. Safety First
While the FDA regulates dietary supplements and dietery ingredients, these products are considered safe until proven unsafe. Many weight loss products may contain ingredients which interfere with medications. Your physician is the best person to discuss the use of supplements with.

2. Mathematics!
1 pound = 3,500 calories
Slow weight loss accomplished by conscious behavioral change is more sustainable than extreme loss with no change in habits.
Some doctors advocate loosing about 1 pound per week.

3,500 calories ÷ 7 days = 500 calories
Figure out how many calories you need to maintain your current weight. Then plan your excercise program based on your reality and lifestyle. Finally as my physician once said, "if you want to loose weight remove 500 calories from your plates or excercise long enough to burn 500 calories."

3. Balance
Eat a balanced diet. Our bodies need water, carbohydrates, fats and protein. Vitamins and minerals are present in our naturally occurring food. Cooking denatures protiens and can remove vitamins and minerals from food. It is a positive idea to include diverse raw unprocessed fruit and vegetables in our diets.

There are many reasons why some of us may not get all we need from our food. Vitamin and mineral supplements can be useful in many cases. It is a good idea to discuss your needs and use of supplements with your healthcare provider.

Finally, we encourage everyone to educate themselves more about the effectivenesss of supplements and the ingredients contained in weight loss products.

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